Saturday, January 26, 2008

Praying for Freedom!

Tomorrow is a huge day for everyone as we kick back into gear after a nasty Sunday last week! We will continue our "Take-Out" series tomorrow with, "Do you deliver?" It is going to be a blast and we are anticipating HUGE crowds!! If you are a reader (all 2 of you) and attend NStar....if you could try out the True North venue that would be awesome!! Most guest make their way to the Compass Centre first and this would help open up seats for them! I can't wait!!

Tomorrow is also a big day for our buddies at Freedom Church, they crank up their first service at North Metro Tech! I have no doubt that J.R., Todd & Blake and their team are going to knock it out of the park! What I appreciate most about these guys is that they have jumped in and even before their first Sunday have become part of the fabric of the community. I have lived in this area since 1991 (17 years in July) and have seen a lot of "good ideas & good guys" come & go.......these guys get it and are going to do great!!

Freedom, we are praying for you and NorthStar so glad to have you guys here to partner with!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mike! You guys are awesome and I am looking forward to the future and the incredible impact we can have together!

Todd said...


You and your team are amazing. You have been great neighbors and friends. It is a privilege to learn from you guys!