Monday, January 28, 2008


Found out today that we had $100,000+ come in during our giving yesterday.....that is huge!! It comes within a couple of thousand of covering our "lost" week & hitting our budget this week!! The great thing was, we did not even mention it to our people - that rocks!! NStar people - you are the best!!

Tomorrow, I will be in downtown Atlanta at the State Capitol as the Chaplain of the Day in the State Senate! I have 5 minutes to share with all of our State you know, I am usually half-way through my opener in 5 minutes.....I better get up there & get to it! I am really pumped about what God has laid on my heart to share, I am hoping that it clicks with the audience!! I'll let you know how it goes!! I will turn in my NStar attire (jeans & sandals) and break out the suit for the day.......I guess I'll throw on some socks as well!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it is suppposed to be a HOT day...hope you don't burn up in those socks :)