Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Special Needs Dance

Yesterday I had the privilege of going to the special needs dance at Kennesaw Mountain High School. Holy cow....what a morning! This school models the very best about kids and what can happen when a culture of excellence is created!

Hundreds of middle school & high school special needs students are bused in from all over the county and the students at KMHS put on a dance that you would not believe! They have a red carpet from the buses to the gym where their cheer as these students come by and then there is another group of students in the gym who dance with them and have a super time!! What I love the most is that the students from KMHS want to be there and they pour their hearts & souls into this time! For many of these kids that come in - it is the only "prom" they may ever attend and they love it!! They are treated like royalty and the day is unforgettable!! The gym is decorated top to bottom and so many of the kids dress up for the day!! Ike Reighard leaned over to me during the dance and said, "I bet this is what heaven will look like"!! No doubt about it!!

NorthStar works with Kennesaw Mountain to pull off the day and it is one of the highlights of our year!! A huge shout out to Billy Richardson and his students and to Marlon, Kelley & NorthStar volunteers who made the day happen! To read what some others have said about the day - check this out

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