Friday, December 14, 2007


Yesterday I had the chance to meet with some good friends in ministry...(Todd & J.R.) from Freedom Church and Matt Willmington from West Ridge. One of these churches is getting ready to get started and the other is 10 years in and doing great! I made a comment in both of those meeting that we said for years around NorthStar, "It's a marathon not a sprint".....

It is so easy in ministry to do everything in a sprint and not pace our ministries for the long term. I guess one reason is that most Pastors are not around but a few years at a church so you have to hurry to get everything in but I think one's that are in for the marathon really get it done! I think when you are pacing it out you get to enjoy the journey a little more and enjoy the people you are running with a little more!

I love looking at guys like Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Andy Stanley, Jerry Falwell, Johnny Hunt.......guys who stuck it out and got to see a lot of the fruits of their ministries and see their visions and dreams take shape. These men have sure made a mark and their marathan has influenced and touched so many! I pray that my marathon has half of the impact that their marathon's have had!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of the men you mentioned have had and still have the hand of God on their lives and none have allowed for compromise of God's truth. No matter what.
Some were more out front/spoken than others but they all had and have the same vision .....that of sharing Christ and His Word.
Keep true to proclaiming His Truth and your name will be there ( it may already be there ). I am glad you don't know if it is or not bc it keeps you humble :)