Saturday, May 17, 2008


What do you do when someone you love walks away from their love for God? When do you give up and give them up for lost? Can you ever be too far away? How do you balance "tough love" with "open arms grace"? Do prodigals ever come back and if they do what brings them home?

Can you identify with any of these statements? We all know prodigals don't fact, we may have been one. However, when someone walks away from the relationship that we were in (child, parent, spouse or friend) it almost seems helpless at times. The great news....there is always hope and it is never too late!!!

What do you do......PRAY.......How long.....AS LONG AS IT TAKES!!

On Sunday, May 18, we are going to be talking about how to pray these prodigals home!! Trust me, you are not alone and you need to go that God has some stuff that is just for you to get you through!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

INCREDIBLE personal testimony...putting application to the TRUTH of God's Word.
We all have them... and continue to PRAY and FORGIVE.