Thursday, May 15, 2008


Yesterday, our staff spent the last part of our meeting time praying over our church and praying for our church! We spread out across the campus and each called out to God to do something great!

I do not want to just read about great movements of God but I want to be part of one! We have experienced some amazing things at NorthStar over the past 11 years but I really believe that there is another huge wave coming our way. The key is WE have to be ready......

  • We have to have pure lives
  • We have to remember that this is all about reaching people who are LOST from God's best
  • We have to have strong families
  • We have to pray for & keep UNITY in the church
  • We have to work like it all depends on us and know that it all depends on God!
  • We have to live our mission...."We want to show God's love in such a way that people exchange ordinary living for an extraordinary life through the transforming power of Jesus Christ"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work...i really like the last one, living out the mission...sometimes we forget that...sometimes the mission is just something that's on a piece of paper that we will read from time to witness changed lives, we have to let our mission move from our lips into our life.