Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 08

I don't even know where to start.....what a weekend!!! The crowds were far the biggest Sunday in the history of NorthStar!! Best I can tell - there were close to 4000 people who came Easter weekend to one of our services or one of the children that attended a class and heard the good news that God was in love with them!!

Here are some highlights from the weekend:
  • Communion on Thursday with over 200 people attending between 7am - 7pm
  • Good Friday Service for our Middle School & High School students during the school day on Friday - over 200 students attending!!
  • Our Saturday night through 11am on Sunday were incredible - the bands both in True North and in Compass Centre were spot on!
  • Daniel & Stephanie did a great job leading & celebrating "resurrection" day
  • Seeing some great friends who do not attend church normally sitting with us in worship!!
  • Seeing a young man from my ball team who spent the night and came to church with us and then ended up eating Easter Lunch with us!
  • Having my mom & dad in the 11am service!! You always want to do good when your mom & dad are in the building!
  • Seeing our team just nail it with all of the details of the weekend!
  • Sitting in EVERY weekend service and enjoying every minute of worship....I would go back tonight and do the same thing over again!!
  • See people stream into the building and wondering where in the world they were coming from.....
  • Getting to tell people about how much God loves them and the extent He went to show that Love!! What a great job!!
Now - after Easter lunch - no baseball games to attend - good basketball on TV - I am shot!!! We are out of the office tomorrow, our NStar team deserves a break after living at the church all weekend!!!

Happy Easter - can't wait for Easter 09!!!!

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